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February 1, 2021
What To Do With Old Car Seats | Your Complete Checklist

If you have old car seats you may have wondered what you can do with them. Car seats that are in working condition can still go a long way to helping others. Here's what you can do with your unused car seats: Before You Do Anything, Make Sure It's Still Safe For Use Your car […]

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January 18, 2021
Tax Tips For Your Tax Return In 2021

If you're still looking for ways to maximize your tax deduction in 2021, you've come to the right place. Even though most of your options for tax benefits end on December 31, there is still so much you can do to make your tax deduction bigger after Jan 1. Here are 14 tips for lowering your […]

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January 15, 2021
Why You Can’t Donate A Car For Cash

Looking to donate a car for cash? Despite false claims, this is not possible. However, you can receive a tax deduction when you donate your car. By way of tax deduction, it really pays to donate! This is only true when you donate to an IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit like Wheels For Wishes. Why You Can’t […]

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December 21, 2020
The Top 21 Kids Charities To Give To In 2024

Looking for some great kid's charities to support in ? This year, kid's charities need your help more than ever. Finding places to help out is easier than you might think! Here are 21 ways that you can give back to kids dealing with difficult situations in the U.S. and Internationally: 1. Wheels For Wishes […]

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December 18, 2020
23 Simple Ways To Go Green At Home

Being environmentally friendly is easier now than ever and a great place to go green is in your own home. We compiled a list of 23 ways you can practice green living. These simple strategies will help save you money and help save the environment! 1. Recycle Recycling is an easy way to go green. […]

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November 23, 2020
Seven Kansas City Charities Serving Local People

Looking for charities in Kansas City, Missouri? We have the list for you. Local charities help people in your area in a wide variety of ways. If you are looking to donate a car in Kansas City or trying to donate time or money, this list of local charities will help you. 1. Wheels For […]

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November 9, 2020
18 Types Of Car Titles | The Complete Car Title Guide

What Are The Types Of Car Titles? Find out the most popular types of car titles, how to know which is which, and where they might be useful to you. 1. Certificate Of Origin This is the original document given from the car's manufacturer to the car dealership. This is the document you will receive […]

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October 24, 2020
Make Car Donation Part Of Your Fall Clean-Up

For some people, fall is the perfect season. Cooler temperatures make it the perfect time of year to get outdoors and do the activities that the summer heat may have prevented. It’s also the perfect time of year to go apple picking or witness the beauty of the leaves changing colors.

But if you live in the northern part of the United States, fall also means that you’re one season closer to winter. And though you may enjoy the outdoors in the fall, part of your time is likely going to be spent preparing the outside of your house for winter. 

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October 9, 2020
Make A Donation For Kids To A Great Charity

Donations for kids are an important way to help children in need! If you are looking to give to charity, helping children is always a noble cause. This is especially true when the children are facing critical illness. Wheels For Wishes is a car donation organization benefiting the children and families of Make-A-Wish. Making a […]

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September 28, 2020
32 Drive In Movie Theaters In Virginia That You Should Check Out

is a perfect year to see a drive in movie. From Arlington, to Richmond, to Virginia Beach, Here’s where you can find a great outdoor movie theater near you! Northern Virginia: 1. Family Drive-in Theater, Stephens City, VA Fall season, Weekends, Movies start at dusk, box office opens at 7pm, $7-9 per adult, $3-4 per […]

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September 25, 2020
6 Scenic Drives Through Northern Virginia

Northern Virginia is home to beautiful scenic drives. We have some of the best views from your car listed below. On top of that, we give you the Covid-19 information you need to make sure your drive stays relaxing. The Best Of Northern Virginia’s Scenic Drives Looking to take the scenic route? These well-known drives […]

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September 10, 2020
10 Scenic Drives To Enjoy Throughout Virginia

Virginia is a beautiful state home to some of the most scenic drives. If you are looking for great views from your car, you have come to the right place! We have some of the best views from the car listed, as well as the impacts of Covid-19. Check out our guide to some of […]

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August 21, 2020
Ways To Make A Difference In The Lives Of Senior Citizens

National Senior Citizens Day is right around the corner. Friday, Aug. 21, is National Senior Citizens Day and there’s so many ways to make the day a special one. When we’re younger, we tend to forget that we’ll one day be senior citizens, so we sometimes forget about the needs of the senior citizens in our lives. If you have a senior citizen in your life, whether it’s a parent, grandparent, friend, or a co-worker, National Senior Citizens Day is an excellent time to show them just how important they are. 

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July 15, 2020
32 Eco-Friendly Products To Use In Your Life

The U.S. throws away over 728,000 tons of garbage every day, that’s over 4.4 pounds of trash per person. You might have heard all the reasons to start recycling but over 125 Million tons of waste end up in landfills every year, raising important questions on the future of waste and its impact on our […]

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June 30, 2020
Protect Yourself And Your Car During UV Safety Month

Summer is all about fun in the sun, but too much time in the light can be dangerous. July is UV Safety Awareness Month—a time to learn about the steps we can take to protect ourselves from harmful sun exposure. 

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June 22, 2020
13 Sustainable Living Examples To Help You Get Started

Sustainable living is important for taking care of the environment. Tips and ideas are a great place to start when learning how to live sustainable. Still, it can be hard to get started going green without some eco-friendly examples. We’re here to help! Check out these sustainable living examples: Eliminate Your Plastic Use Plastic contains […]

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June 22, 2020
How To Donate Clothes

Looking for a good way to get rid of old clothes instead of selling or consigning them? Your clothes are taking up more and more space in your closet and drawer space. You haven't worn some of the clothes in over a year, what do you do with them now?  1.) Find And Sort The […]

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June 18, 2020
14 Sustainable Living Articles To Help You Go Green

You can achieve sustainable living! These articles will help you get started and maintain a sustainable lifestyle. They include sustainable lifestyle, products and transportation tips. Read on to learn how to go green! Sustainable Lifestyle Tip Articles 1.  Tips For Sustainable Living: This article answers, “what is sustainable living?” Plus, it provides 25 helpful tips […]

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June 8, 2020
How To Start Recycling

Getting started with recycling is easy! Trying to get out of your old waste habits, not so much. Before you start up your new recycling habits there are a few simple steps that can help you decide what can be recycled, how it can be recycled, and where to recycle it. Step 1: Start With […]

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May 26, 2020
Recycling Your Old Car Parts

If you’re not sure what to do with old car parts, consider recycling them. Recycling car parts reduces waste and is good the environment. Plus, it can be an easy process. Here we’ll explain what car parts you can recycle and how: How To Recycle Car Parts How do you recycle car parts? First, consider […]

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Excellent 9.3 out of 10
CDF also runs the following programs:
Wheels for Wishes benefiting Make-A-Wish®, Vehicles for Veterans benefiting disabled veterans, and Animal Car Donation benefiting animal rescue organizations.

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CDF's mission is to help these benefitting charities fulfill their missions with proceeds from CDF's car donation programs. CDF and all benefitting charities are separate and unaffiliated 501c organizations.
© 2009 - 2024 Wheels For Wishes (Car Donation Foundation)
A federally registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization