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March Is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

March 27, 2019

We have had several cancer awareness months over the past couple of months, starting with Cervical Cancer Awareness Month in January, National Cancer Prevention Month in February, World Cancer Day on Feb. 4, and Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer Awareness Month also in February. March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, a time to spread awareness about the disease and encourage people to listen to any signs and symptoms that could mean they have colorectal cancer. 

Know The Signs And Symptoms

Often times, colorectal cancer shares similar symptoms with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), which causes people to believe that they have sensitive and touchy stomachs and that there isn’t anything internally wrong with them. While this is true for many, it is a mistake to assume that it is IBS and not cancer.

Colorectal cancer is highly preventable, which is why colonoscopies or other types of screening methods are highly recommended at the age of 50, or any time symptoms may be present, even in teens or young adults. Usually, (but not always) a routine colonoscopy can catch colorectal cancer in the earlier stages of the disease, making the disease easier to treat and even cure.

Colorectal cancer in children and teens is rare, but not impossible. You can be diagnosed with colorectal cancer at any age. If you ever worry about the following signs and symptoms in the list below, it is important to schedule a colonoscopy or another screening method as soon as possible. Contact a doctor if the following signs and symptoms are present:

  • A change in your bowel habits, including diarrhea or constipation or a change in the consistency of your stool

  • Feeling that your bowel does not empty completely, rectal bleeding, or finding blood (either bright red or very dark) in your stool

  • Finding your stools are narrower than usual

  • Persistent abdominal discomfort, such as cramps, gas, pain, or feeling full or bloated

  • Losing weight with no known reason

  • Weakness or fatigue

  • Having nausea or vomiting

Dress In Blue Day

In February 2000, President Clinton dedicated March as National Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Since 2004, a Blue Star symbol has been used to spread colon cancer awareness but it also represents the lives lost due to colon cancer and the hope for a future free of the disease. On Friday, March 6, people are asked to wear blue to show support and raise awareness on Dress in Blue Day, a day dedicated to the kick start of National Colon Cancer Awareness Month.

On March 6, wear blue for the third most frequent cancer in adult men and the second most common cancer in adult women. Colorectal cancer can also affect children, but there generally less than 100 cases of colorectal cancer in children who are under the age of 20. Regardless, you can always donate a car to Wheels For Wishes, benefiting Make-A-Wish, which would help to grant wishes for children battling colorectal cancer or other critical illnesses.

If you wear blue for Dress In Blue Day, make sure to submit your Get Blued photos to be entered into the Get Blued Photo Contest!

Awareness Is Needed

The most important part about any cancer awareness month is that it helps to inform people about different types of cancers and things that people should look out for. If you have a concern, don’t wait for it to go away or get better. Instead, go in and get it checked out.

Another way to get involved during National Colorectal Awareness Month is through the Colon Cancer Alliance’s Undy 500 or the Colon Cancer Coalition’s Get Your Rear In Gear events. With your car donation or your participation in any of our suggested events, you can make a difference this March!

Grant Wishes For Kids With Life-Threatening Medical Conditions

Cancer can happen to anyone at any age, and your car donation to Wheels For Wishes benefiting Make-A-Wish can help to grant wishes for children who are battling critical illnesses. If you would like to donate a car this March, please call 1-855-278-9474 or fill out our online vehicle donation form.

Is there someone you are wearing blue for on March 6? Let us know by leaving us a message on our Facebook, Twitter or Google+ pages.

If you have any questions about your charitable car donation, please don’t hesitate to ask.

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CDF also runs the following programs:
Wheels for Wishes benefiting Make-A-Wish®, Wheels for Wishes & Wellness benefiting local children's hospitals and charities, Vehicles for Veterans benefiting disabled veterans, and Animal Car Donation benefiting animal rescue organizations.

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CDF's mission is to help these benefitting charities fulfill their missions with proceeds from CDF's car donation programs. CDF and all benefitting charities are separate and unaffiliated 501c organizations.
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A federally registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization