Reduce A Child's Risk Of Developing Breast Cancer Later In Life
Breast cancer does not affect children and it rarely affects teens, but breast cancer is something that may be possible to be prevent early on. Plus, treatments for many childhood cancers or critical illnesses can put children at risk for developing cancer in adulthood. This is why it is so important to raise awareness about breast cancer, regardless of age. It is important for men and women of all ages to be aware of the risk factors for breast cancer, especially during their teenage years. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is the perfect time to spread awareness and educate others.
Breast Cancer In Young Adults
Even though breast cancer is rare in young adults, it is important to take precautionary steps to decrease a child’s chances of developing breast cancer as they age, especially in puberty-age girls. According to Breastcancer.org, the first ten years of breast development are incredibly important for girls. Everything from a girl’s food, water, beverages, and air are the building blocks of their new breast tissue, and will impact future breast health.
Nine out of ten breast cancer cases can be triggered or promoted by unhealthy lifestyle factors and environmental exposures which include obesity, a lack of exercise, smoking, exposure to chemicals, and alcohol consumption. It is important that girls are taking measures to protect themselves from cancer later on in life.
Cancer Treatment In Children
In addition to the exposures of toxic chemicals, childhood exposure to radiation and X-rays may also contribute to the development of breast cancer. According to the Breast Cancer Fund, early exposure to radiation treatment for Hodgkin’s and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, or repeated X-rays for scoliosis may increase a girl’s risk of developing breast cancer later in life.
Even though only 7 percent of breast cancers are diagnosed in women under the age of 40, it is important to take precautions early on to protect yourself as you age. Men are also susceptible to developing breast cancer, so men should also look out for the signs and symptoms of breast cancer and learn about which precautions they can take to reduce their risk.
Help To Grant Wishes For Children With Life-Threatening Medical Conditions
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which makes it a great time for spreading awareness about the risk factors and known forms of prevention for the disease. However, October isn’t the only month focused around cancer. Cancer is something that affects many of us on a daily basis, which is why there is a cancer awareness month nearly every month of the year. Check out our infographic which displays cancer awareness months with their correct ribbon color.
To help grant the wishes of children in your community who are battling critical illnesses, you may wish to donate a car to Wheels For Wishes. Your tax-deductible vehicle donation benefits Make-A-Wish and helps to grant the wishes of children who could benefit from a magical wish experience.
To donate your car, please call 1-855-278-9474 or fill out our online car donation form.