How To Donate A Wheelchair
Over 75 million people around the world need a wheelchair to do basic tasks but cannot afford one. However, donating a wheelchair is an easy process and there are plenty of organizations that will take a wheelchair and give it to someone in need. Here are some ways that you can help out by donating a wheelchair.
Donate By Drop Off
Places like The American Red Cross, Goodwill, and the Salvation Army are always available to take certain medical equipment like wheelchairs and walkers. For people that have a hard time affording new or slightly used wheelchairs, these organizations are a great place to get them at little to no cost. The American Red Cross may even pick up your wheelchair donation for free! Just call to see what guidelines your local ARC has for pick up donations.
When you donate a wheelchair to a registered non-profit organization you also receive a tax write off for your wheelchair donation!
If the wheelchair you are donating is no longer functional, reach out to the organization that you are trying to donate to, there might be a chance that they could salvage the unusable wheelchair and refurbish it for a new owner.
Find A Location Near You
If the organizations above don’t suit you there are plenty of non-profit organizations that will take your wheelchair and put it to good use for someone in need.
Click here to find a wheelchair donation program near you.
You can also click here to find more national wheelchair donation programs.
How To Help More People Get Wheelchairs
Sometimes there just aren’t enough functioning wheelchairs to go around and that is where Free Wheelchair Mission comes in. Free Wheelchair Mission is a global charity that creates cost efficient wheelchairs for people that cannot afford one but desperately need one. They provide over 100,000 wheelchairs annually and each wheelchair costs about $80 to make.
Donate Your Vehicle
If you are looking to clean out even more space Wheels For Wishes is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that takes cars, trucks, SUV’s, RV’s and many other motor vehicles and turns them into funding for Make-A-Wish programs across the country.
If you’d like to donate your car here are three easy steps to get started:
- Start your donation by calling us at 1-855-278-9474 or by starting this online donation form.
- We’ll reach out to you fast to set up your free towing. Guaranteed by the next business day.
- When your car donation is picked up we will mail you a receipt within a month. That receipt is 100% tax deductible on next years taxes.
Since 2010, Wheels For Wishes has donated over $117 million to local chapters of Make-A-Wish throughout the country. This has helped Make-A-Wish grant over 13,971 wishes to the wish kids of Make-A-Wish. Our mission is to ensure that more children with serious medical conditions can have a chance at a happy and fulfilling childhood. You help make that possible by donating your car!