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Get Planting On National Planting Day

September 6, 2013

Wheels For Wishes is a proud supporter of the green movement. We are always encouraging others to make eco-friendly choices that will help keep America clean and green. At Wheels For Wishes, we accept donated vehicles and recycle or auction them off, so vehicles are always recycled and reused. This helps to extend the lifecycle of vehicles of all makes, models, and years. However, we are also interested in keeping America clean and green in other ways as well, such as by participating in National Planting Day!

Hosted by Keep America Beautiful, the second annual National Planting Day will take place on Saturday, Sept. 7. This event celebrates the value of native species while encouraging others to keep America beautiful by planting native species of trees, flowers, and plants. Native species live or grow naturally without direct or indirect human interaction, which is very important in balancing the environment. They provide habitat for wildlife and they provide food for birds since they tend to attract pollinators and insects. Plus, natives are very low maintenance. Consider planting native shrubs, plants, or a tree on National Planting Day!

Find A Native Plant In Your Area

If you are ready to add a native plant to your yard, visit the PlantNative website to find out which native plants are ideal to plant in the region you live in. Some possible trees are the Big Leaf Maple, Incense Cedar, Cascara, Oregon Ash, Oregon White Oak, Quaking Aspen, Red Alder, Douglas Fir, Black Hawthorne, Western Hemlock, and the Western Red Cedar.

If you are more interested in planting shrubs, choose from the Douglas Spiraea, Huckleberry Evergreen or Red, Indian Plum, Mock Orange, Nootka Rose, Ocean Spray, Oregon Grape, Pacific Nine Bark, Red Elderberry, Red Flowering Currant, Red Osier Dogwood, Salal, Snowberry, Thimbleberry, Twinberry, or the Vine Maple.

If you are looking for a native plant, choose from the Candyflower, Fringe Cup, Pacific Bleeding Heart, Strawberry Woodland, Trillium, Wood Sorrel, Bunchberry, False Solomon’s Seal, Inside-Out Flower, or the Deer, Maidenhair, or Sword Fern.

Get Planting

With so many potential native plants to choose from, there is no question that Sept. 7 will be a productive day. Get the kids together or even the whole family and explain to them why natives are so important. Kids will love picking out plants and helping with the planting process. National Planting Day is a day for you and your family to give back to the world we live in.

If you are unable to plant this weekend, consider making a positive impact on the environment in another way. If recycling sounds more ideal this time around, consider donating an unwanted boat, car, motorcycle, or camper to Wheels For Wishes, benefiting Make-A-Wish. It may not be a way to celebrate National Planting Day, but it’s another way to go green and give back to the community. Vehicles are recycled or reused, or they are auctioned off for new owners to use. Either way, the lifecycle of all vehicles are extended. This is very important, as the vehicle recycling industry is the 16th largest industry in the United States.

If you want to be a part of the incredible recycling industry, consider donating your used vehicle that rarely, if ever, gets used. Put it to better use by allowing it to be recycled and reused while also helping to grant a wish for a local child at the same time.

To donate a vehicle, please call us at 1-855-278-9474 or fill out our easy online vehicle donation form. Both donation methods only take a few moments of your time, but can leave a positive impact on the environment and a local child for years to come.

Excellent 9.3 out of 10
CDF also runs the following programs:
Wheels for Wishes benefiting Make-A-Wish®, Vehicles for Veterans benefiting disabled veterans, and Animal Car Donation benefiting animal rescue organizations.

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CDF's mission is to help these benefitting charities fulfill their missions with proceeds from CDF's car donation programs. CDF and all benefitting charities are separate and unaffiliated 501c organizations.
© 2009 - 2024 Wheels For Wishes (Car Donation Foundation)
A federally registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization