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Fun Family Activities For Mother's Day

May 9, 2013

Mother’s Day is one of those days that you better have something planned for, or else you may find dinner is served for everyone but you for a while. However, whether you’re celebrating your mother or the mother of your children, it doesn’t have to be an expensive, over-the-top affair. 

  1. Always Remember A Card. Unless you’ve been told otherwise, a card is necessary. It’s always better to have your kids make a card for their mother and grandmother than buying a card because handmade cards are much more personal – and far less expensive than the store-bought variety.

  2. Plan Great Meals. Eating well for Mother’s Day doesn’t mean eating out at a five-star restaurant. Let Mom sleep in and make her favorite breakfast to surprise her with, or cap off a great, home-cooked meal with her favorite dessert. Needless to say, make sure she doesn’t go near the sink to clean the dishes. If the spring sunshine decides to greet us this year, hop in the car and take the family to the local park with a picnic basket packed full of sweets and treats. All you will need are some goodies, some games, and your family. It is a great, relaxing idea to be able to just enjoy each other's company and laughter in a cheap and laid back atmosphere.

  3. Family Fun. There are lots of low-key ways to have a great time in a way that brings the whole family together. Your mom will surely appreciate a day that honors her by integrating the whole family, so grab everyone, pick teams, and break out the game chest. It’s also a great time to use this holiday to pull out the old family pictures and videos that gather dust. Gathering with friends and family while laughing over shared memories is always a fun time.

  4. Instead of driving your car to brunch, pick a restaurant nearby and walk there. If you find this form of transportation worthwhile, integrate it into your lifestyles beyond just special occasions. Instead of grabbing for the keys, grab your walking shoes. It creates time for some great talking time and is good for your heart. Who knows? Perhaps in a few months you will prefer this method of transportation so much, you'll decide to donate your car, junk or not!

  5.  Pick Some Flowers. Instead of buying them from a store, find a flower patch and pick them alone or with your mom, children, and family. It will be a lot more meaningful to your mother knowing that it is handpicked versus coming from a store.

  6. Go for family photos. A great gift and activity is to take your mom to get pictures taken. You will have a gift that you not only get to treasure forever, but great shared memories of the photo shoot as well!

Another way to honor your mother is by making room in the garage by donating your car to Wheels For Wishes benefiting Make-A-Wish. Your vehicle donation will help grant wishes for a local child in your community. Find your local Make-A-Wish chapter today and make your vehicle donation online or by calling us at 1-855-278-9474. Either way is easy and only takes a few minutes of your time.

All of our suggestions are not only great ways to create new memories, but are affordable too. A special day with or to honor your mom and family does not have to break your budget!

Excellent 9.3 out of 10
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