Trivia Questions For New Year’s Day
New Year’s Day is a celebration filled with life-changing resolutions, giving and quality time with family and friends. Before 2017 hits, challenge yourself and your friends to see how much you really know about New Year’s Day!
Trivia Questions
1. What is the number one New Year’s resolution?
2. What percentage of people successfully achieve their New Year’s resolutions?
3. Are people in their 20s or 50s more likely to achieve their New Year’s resolutions?
4. About how many people gather in Times Square each year to watch the ball drop?
A. 50,000
B. 100,000
C. 500,000
D. 1 million
5. What percentage of Americans admit to falling asleep before midnight on New Year’s Eve?
A. 9 percent
B. 22 percent
C. 46 percent
D. 71 percent
6. What is the diameter of the Times Square ball?
A. 12 feet
B. 22 feet
C. 120 feet
D. 120 inches
7. How many glasses of sparkling wine do Americans collectively consume during the holidays?
A. 130,000
B. 8 million
C. 92 million
D. 360 million
8. In what year did America start recognizing Jan. 1 as the first day of the year?
A. 1492
B. 1752
C. 1776
D. 1846
9. How much confetti is dropped on the crowd at Times Square at midnight?
A. 100 pounds
B. 1,000 pounds
C. 1 ton
D. 10 tons
10. To what nonprofit should you donate if you are looking to make a difference and receive a great tax deduction?
1. Losing weight is the number one resolution
2. 8 percent of people are successful with their resolution
3. People in their 20s are more likely to follow through on resolutions
4. D: One million people gather in Times Square to watch the ball drop each year
5. B: 22 percent of people admit to falling asleep before midnight on New Year’s Eve
6. A: the Times Square ball is 12 feet in diameter
7. D: Americans consume 360 million glasses of sparkling wine during the holidays
8. B: The American colonies and England recognized Jan. 1 as the first day of the year starting in 1752
9. C: 1 ton of confetti is dropped on the crowd at Times Square at midnight
10. Wheels For Wishes: If you donate any unwanted vehicle you may have to Wheels For Wishes before 11:59 on New Year’s Eve, you will receive a 100 percent tax-deductible receipt for this year! Plus, your donation benefits terrific children’s charities like Make-A-Wish or children’s hospitals.
Wheels For Wishes, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) car donation organization, makes the process hassle-free by offering free towing. Simply call 1-855-278-9474 or fill out an online donation form before midnight on New Year’s Eve, and you can get 2017 started off right! Your new year will begin with both benefiting local children and a great tax deduction!