20 Things To Do On The First Day Of Spring
Spring is finally near, and if you live in a snowy state with cold winters, you probably can’t wait for spring to finally arrive! Along with your spring cleaning that might allow you to donate a vehicle to Wheels For Wishes, we would like to give you 20 fun ideas for things you can do to celebrate the first day of spring on March 20th, even if there is still a bit of snow and slush on the ground! It won’t be long before we’re all outside enjoying the beautiful spring weather. If it's too snowy or cold to celebrate the very first day of spring, start planning all of the fun you will have have when spring finally does arrive in your hometown!
Spring Is In The Air
Whether or not it looks or feels like spring in your hometown, spring is in the air, and March 20th is the date that proves it. Help bring in the spring season with some of our ideas that you can enjoy on the first day of spring, or shortly after.
Start your spring cleaning. Before it gets too nice outside to be indoors, now is the perfect time to clean out your cupboards and your garage and finish up your spring cleaning. Consider donating any unused or unwanted items to charity, including unwanted cars, trucks, SUVs, RVs, boats, or motorcycles. These can be donated to Wheels For Wishes, benefiting Make-A-Wish.
Purchase baseball tickets. Whether or not you’re a sports fan, attending a baseball game is always a fun way to bring in the spring season.
Play a sport. Whether or not you enjoy playing sports, finding something you can do outside will help you celebrate and appreciate the opportunity to be outside after being cooped up all winter long. Play catch, shoot some hoops, or take your bike off the bike rack—allow yourself to enjoy springtime!
Volunteer. If the cold weather was enough to keep you indoors all winter long, consider putting your time to use with volunteering at an organization of your choice.
Clean off your patio furniture or invest in a new set. Get your patio furniture ready to go outside by cleaning it off or purchasing a set if you don’t have one. Even a set of plastic chairs will do the trick, but having something available that allows you to sit outside and enjoy the weather is ideal! If you have kids and they don’t have a park nearby, consider purchasing a swing set for them to play on.
Buy a new book. Or check one out at the library so you have something to read outside on a sunny spring day. Get out any spring-themed books for your kids.
Plan a trip. Whether you’re planning a full road trip or a day trip to a state park, now is the time to start planning when you can gather your family up for a car ride to explore something outdoors.
Donate your used boat to Wheels For Wishes, benefiting Make-A-Wish. If you don’t think you will use your boat this year, consider donating it this year which will get you a tax deduction next year at tax time.
Put out your birdfeeders and start leaving snacks for other animals such as squirrels, rabbits, ducks, and deer.
Start taking walks. It’s good for your circulation, and it also gives you a chance to step outside and enjoy the warmer days.
Keep a steady bouquet of fresh flowers in your kitchen at all times. It will remind you to bring spring indoors, too!
Find out when the berry picking season starts in your neighborhood. Before you go, learn how to make jams, apple butter, apple sauce, pickles, etc. It will quickly get you in the mood for spring.
Keep a candy dish filled with jelly beans in your home.
Learn how to build a kite and fly it.
When the snow is gone and the temperatures get warmer, plan a family picnic, even if it’s just to a park down the road that has a bench to sit at. The grass may still be too wet for a blanket!
Plan a garden, and plant it when the weather finally allows!
Plant a family tree, whether it’s an apple tree, plum tree, or pear tree, since they can be planted in early spring.
When weather permits, ditch your clothes dryer and start air-drying your linens. Not only will it give your linens a fresh scent, but you’ll save on energy.
Organize your home. Get all your big chores out of the way before the warm weather and sunny skies are in full force.
On the first day of spring, plan a fun family activity to celebrate the new season. Take a walk, go out to dinner, or simply watch the rain fall, but do what you can to appreciate the first day of spring!
Happy Spring
We hope you enjoy our list of 20 tips to help you bring in the spring season on March 20th. Let us know what you plan to do on the first day of spring by leaving us a comment on our Facebook or Twitter pages!